Attached is a motion from an Ogden LSC member voluntarily removing herself off the Michael Beyer vs. CPS lawsuit. “Voluntarily” is the key word here. I don’t think it was “voluntarily” for her to resign. The problem is this Ogden LSC member works for ISBE (The Illinois State Board of Education). And she is suing CPS to help out disgraced principal Michael Beyer. Beyer was fired from CPS for cheating. Basically, ISBE is the Superintendent for CPS. So we have one employee of ISBE (Ms. Ramadurai) who is on the Ogden LSC and is suing CPS in cahoots with a documented cheating principal. In the other corner, we have ISBE employee (Ms. Boedeker), who has been placed in charge of monitoring CPS to make sure they don’t cheat diverse learners. So a complaint was made to ISBE that Ramadurai should not be anywhere near this lawsuit.
The attorneys at ISBE sent the complaint onto their ethic committee for review. And a week later, Ramaduri “voluntarily” resigns. And, frankly, because her judgement seems pretty off, she should resign from the Ogden LSC as well. Do we need more confusion, more rogue LSC members, rogue Principals at Ogden? How can a school thrive with this kind of “leadership”? Dave Ramos, President of the LSC also should resign. As everybody with a pulse knows, he uses a mailbox store address (47 west division) as his address, but his actual house is outside Ogden boundaries. And he is on the lawsuit. So we have another one that doesn’t even belong at Ogden, suing CPS. Another cheater going to bat for cheater Michael Beyer. Several parents feel the entire Ogden LSC should be disbanded by CPS. I know every LSC member has not joined the lawsuit. But the few that have are not acting in the best interest of the children of Ogden when they support having a cheat as a Principal and prevent the hiring of a new Principal. Everyone is waiting. See the Motion to Withdraw here >>> Comments are closed.
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October 2019